The Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) median salary averages $38,660 per year, or about $18.59 per hour. Entry-level education usually requires a Post-Secondary Degree to maximize a dental assistant’s pay rate. Work experience in a related occupation or on-the-job training is not relevant, as the CDA needs to have a relevant degree.
There are about 330,200 active dental assistant jobs (as of 2020 census count) with a 10-year job outlook through 2030 increasing 11%, which is much faster than average job / career / profession. It’s estimated there will be an employment change of at least 36,900 new dental assistants needed between 2020 to 2030.
The dental assistant’s email list is a database of dental assistants from all over the United States. We provide this list for people looking for dental assistant’s email addresses, dental assistant’s mailing lists, or orthodontic dental assistant’s emails.
Finding the best dental assistant email list, which is updated, verified, and easy to filter out, makes most of the work easy for us. is trying to do the same thing for you in the most efficient way.
What’s on this page:
Certified Dental Assistants (CDA) Email Lists
Are you looking for a dental assistant email list? is providing the most comprehensive database of dental assistants email lists, so if you need to find out about the dental assistants email list or other types of dentists email lists, we can provide it.’s data is one of the best and verified data that you would find on the internet. That makes it best for solving your hiring needs. simultaneously connects to over 200+ network data partners to bring users the most updated and accurate contact information, including personal and business email addresses, and the prized piece of personal contact information, cell phone and mobile phone numbers.
More than 11+ million USA Healthcare professionals, 8.8+ million direct dial phone numbers to call, 9.3+million personal email addresses, and 6+ million direct dials are in the database.
A dental assistants email list is a database of dental assistants that are in the dental profession. This can include dental assistants who work at different levels, such as: certified dental assistants, hospital dental assistants, orthodontic dental assistants, just to name a few.
What Data / Information Will You Get in the Dental Assistants Email List by
The database by contains a lot of information about the dental assistants, which is useful for anyone who wants to outreach or connect with them.
You can check out the demo of’s dental assistant database here:
Here is the list of data and information that you will get in the dental assistant email lists:
• Dental Assistant Name
• Location
• Work Phone
• Dental Assistant Cell and Mobile Number
• Dental Assistant Email
• Specialization
• Years of Experience
• Sole Proprietor Status
• Licensed States
• Dental Assistant License Number
• Fax
• Address
Do You Customize the Healthcare Dental Assistant Email List to Fit Our Requirements?
Yes,’s database is so easy to use, we offer customized healthcare dental assistant’s email lists to fit the requirements of our clients. You can customize your own lists in just a few clicks.
Check the demo page to see there are options to filter out the prospects based on many data points.
You can filter out data based on:
• Specializations
• Credentials
• Years of Experience
• Sole Proprietor
• Medicines Prescribed
• Licensed States
• City
• State
• Gender
• Pharma
• Education
• Year Graduated
• Full Name
• License Number
Given those options, it makes it much easier for you to find the perfect fit data that meets your requirements.
In Which Marketing Campaigns Can I Use’s Dental Assistants Email List?
It is best for those who are doing recruiting, talent acquisition, human resource sourcing for candidates, and even for those who want to run lead generation campaigns for sales and business development.
For example, if you are a medical company looking to generate leads, this is the best place to start since we provide contact information based on specializations, credentials, location, etc. We have various lists that will help your campaign succeed!
You can use this list to research and study the current topics to analyze the market for healthcare industry trends.
Where is the Dental Assistant’s Marketing Data Sourced From? How Often is it Verified?
All the data on is sourced from many official and private sources. There are multiple sources. Our main database simultaneously connects to over 200+ network data partners to bring our users the most updated and accurate contact information in real time.
The data is verified in real time to give you the best and most updated database when you are using it. You won’t get the outdated data that is no longer available. strives to provide you with the best clean and fresh data that helps you with your marketing or recruiting campaign.
What are the Benefits of Using the Dental Assistants Email List?
The benefits of using the Dental Assistant’s Email list are as follows:
– It will help your campaign to succeed. You can use this email list for marketing and branding purposes, and for recruiting talent and candidates to fill open job positions.
–’s data is sourced from many sources (200+), which makes it more accurate than other lists available online or offline. Data is verified in real time by multiple agencies to give you a fresher database when compared with others that may be outdated or out of date due to a lack of freshness in the data collection process.
– The dental assistant’s marketing data on our platform covers nearly all dental specialties like certified dental assistants, hospital dental assistants, endodontics dental assistants, among others. Making it one of the most complete databases with verified leads.
– It is easy to find dental assistants that match your demographics or qualifications: gender, age range, diversity, and more. You can also filter out those who are not a fit for your campaign by using our filtering options.
– You can find the list of best-registered dental assistants, best dental assistants practitioners email list, or even best orthodontic dental assistants email list as well.
–’s database has data of over 11 million USA healthcare professionals with cell phone numbers, email addresses, etc. In addition, they have some unique databases such as Nurses Email Lists, Physicians Email Lists, Doctors Email Lists or even Optometrists Email Lists.
Check out’s dental assistant’s email list database for yourself with a free trial.
Image Credit: / Dolgachov.
Now that you know about the dental assistant’s email list, it’s time to try it out for yourself. Try out the dental assistant’s email list by and do let us know your thoughts on it. It is one of the best ways if you are looking for healthcare professionals to hire or to sell to.
If you have any more questions related to the dental assistant’s email list or database, then do let us know in the comments below, or contact us for a free trial or demo.
How to Purchase / Buy Access to the Dental Assistants Database Lists? provides valuable and accurate Healthcare & Medical Data Lists, Emails & Cell Phone Numbers of Dental Assistants, Dentists, Nurses, Physicians, Doctors, and other Locum Tenens Professionals. Lookup over 11 Million Healthcare Providers contact info in a few clicks and get their personal email address and cell / mobile phone number instantly.
See pricing here and sign up for Free Trial today.
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