The Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) median salary averages $38,660 per year, or about $18.59 per hour. Entry-level education usually requires…
Kansas currently has 2,800 licensed and certified dental assistants with an employment rate of 2.099 per thousand jobs. The average…
Oklahoma currently has 4,010 licensed and certified dental assistants with an employment rate of 2.568 per thousand jobs. The average…
Iowa currently has 3,030 licensed and certified dental assistants with an employment rate of 2.063 per thousand jobs. The average…
Oregon currently has 4,550 licensed and certified dental assistants with an employment rate of 2.521 per thousand jobs. The average…
Connecticut currently has 3,070 licensed and certified dental assistants with an employment rate of 1.993 per thousand jobs. The average…
Louisiana currently has 4,610 licensed and certified dental assistants with an employment rate of 2.56 per thousand jobs. The average…
Kentucky currently has 4,100 licensed and certified dental assistants with an employment rate of 2.301 per thousand jobs. The average…
Alabama currently has 3,170 licensed and certified dental assistants with an employment rate of 1.666 per thousand jobs. The average…
Colorado currently has 8,390 licensed and certified dental assistants with an employment rate of 3.256 per thousand jobs. The average…