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Texas Board of Medicine: Simplified Medical Licensure Guide

March 31, 2024

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The Texas Board of Medicine is important for doctors in Texas having 19 professionals who help make sure doctors do their jobs well. There are 12 physicians and 7 public members appointed for six-year terms by the Governor. If you want to be a doctor in Texas, you need a license from this board. 

This guide is here to help you understand how to get and keep a medical license in Texas. Whether you’re just starting out as a doctor or you’ve been one for a while, we’ve got the info you need. 

We’ll also talk about Heartbeat AI, a handy tool that makes everything easier. So, let’s explore together how physicians in Texas get and keep their licenses to make sure everyone stays healthy.

Texas Board of Medicine

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Texas Board of Medicine: At A Glance

The Texas Medical Board (TMB) is a group that makes sure doctors and other healthcare professionals in Texas are doing their jobs right to keep everyone safe. Below is their contact information and their responsibilities:

Contact Information

  • Website:
  • Phone: (512) 305-7010
  • Mailing Address: 1801 Congress Avenue, Suite 9.200, Austin, TX 78701

What is the Texas Board of Medicine Responsible for?

The Texas Medical Board (TMB) is responsible for:

  • Giving Licenses: They give licenses to doctors, helpers like physician assistants, acupuncturists, and more if they are qualified and pass their tests. They also have a website where you can check if someone has a license here.
  • Board of Medicine Texas Complaints: If someone complains about a health worker, TMB looks into it. If they find something wrong, they can give a warning or even take away the health worker’s license.
  • Teaching: TMB helps health workers learn new things in their jobs and stay good at what they do with educational stuff and programs.

Texas Board of Medicine License Lookup

The Texas Medical Board (TMB) has a website where people can check if healthcare workers in Texas have the right licenses. This website is easy to use and helps you find information about doctors, assistants, acupuncturists, and others. 

Just go to the TMB website and click on “Look up a License” to start looking. There, you can see if someone has a license and read about any official actions against them.

Aside from that you can also use Heartbeat. It is a tool that makes it easier to check if doctors in Texas have valid licenses.

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Are You Eligible for a Texas Medical License?

To be eligible for a Texas Medicine Board License, you must meet specific requirements. This process involves several key steps. Firstly, one must graduate from an approved medical school. Following this, completing a residency program is essential. 

Additionally, it is necessary to pass the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) or its equivalent. Lastly, having no history of professional misconduct is a crucial requirement. 

Moreover, you need to provide proof of your education, training, and exam scores, along with a full application to the Texas Medical Board (TMB). The TMB reviews applications to ensure candidates meet the high standards required for practicing medicine in Texas. 

It’s important to check the TMB’s website for detailed information and any specific criteria you must fulfill.

Texas Board of Medicine License Requirements

To get a medical license in Texas, you need to:

  • Educational Achievement: Finish a medical degree from a recognized school.
  • Board Certification: Get board certified.
  • National Exams: Pass national medical exams.
  • State Law Exam: Pass the Texas law exam.
  • Professional Character: Be of good character in your profession.
  • Background Checks: Provide fingerprints for background checks.

How to Get a Texas Board of Medicine License?

How to Get a Texas Board of Medicine License

Obtaining a Texas Board of Medicine license is a multi-step process designed to ensure that all practicing licensed physicians meet the state’s standards for medical knowledge and professionalism. Here’s a step-by-step guide to navigating this process:

Step 1: Complete Your Medical Education

First, you must graduate from an accredited medical school. This is the foundational step, as your medical education provides the knowledge and skills necessary for a career in medicine.

Step 2: Pass the USMLE or COMLEX

After completing medical school, you must pass a series of examinations. For allopathic physicians, this means passing all three steps of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE). For osteopathic physicians, this involves passing all levels of the (COMLEX-USA).

Step 3: Finish a Residency Program

Complete a residency program accredited by the (ACGME) or the American Osteopathic Association (AOA). This hands-on training is crucial for gaining experience in your chosen specialty.

Step 4: Submit Texas Board of Medicine License Application

Apply to the Texas Medical Board by submitting the application for licensure on the website of the Board. In the application form, you’ll have to fill in information about your job and education history, health, and any special certifications. Your application process is complete when they have all the documents.

Step 5: Submit Fingerprints

As part of the background check, you’ll need to provide fingerprints. This can usually be done at authorized locations that will submit your fingerprints directly to the Texas Department of Public Safety and the FBI.

Step 6: Verification of Credentials

The Texas Medical Board will verify your credentials, including medical school, residency, and exam scores. This process can take some time, so it’s important to apply well in advance of when you wish to start practicing.

Step 7: Jurisprudence Exam

Pass the Texas Medical Jurisprudence Exam, a test covering the medical laws and ethics of Texas. This exam ensures you understand the legal responsibilities and regulations of practicing medicine in Texas.

Step 8: Receive Your License

After completing all necessary steps and submitting your application, which the board then evaluates, you will be granted a medical license for Texas. This license permits you to begin your practice of medicine within the state.

Texas Medical Board Licensure Time Frame

As of February 28, 2023, the Texas Medical Board can give out licenses quickly, in 10 days or less, using a special process. But usually, it takes the board about 45 to 90 days to handle a doctor’s application.

This time period begins when the doctor has turned in all the needed documents and the application moves from the first check to the licensing stage.

Cost of Texas Medical Board License?

As of April 2023, it costs $835.64 to apply for a medical license in Texas. This fee needs to be paid before they start looking at your application. There are also extra costs:

  • JP Exam: $58
  • Fingerprinting: $41
  • USMLE records: $70
  • Medical School transcript: about $10
  • Self-query: $5
  • FCVS: about $505, but you don’t have to do this
  • Registering the license: $270 to $456

Texas Board of Medicine License Renewal

Texas Board of Medicine License Renewal

To renew a medical license in Texas, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Online Registration Timing

Start renewing your license by signing up online from 60 to 90 days before it’s due to expire. This ensures you have enough time to complete all necessary steps without risking your license becoming inactive or expiring.

Step 2: First-Time Registration Fee

If you’re renewing your Texas medical license for the first time, make sure to pay the initial registration fee within 90 days after your license is issued. This is crucial for maintaining the validity of your license from the outset.

Step 3: Biennial Renewal

Your Texas medical license must be renewed every two years. Mark your calendar or set reminders to avoid missing this critical deadline.

Step 4: Continuing Medical Education (CME) Requirements

Every 24 months, you are required to complete 48 hours of CME. This includes:

A minimum of two hours in ethics CME. Ensure these hours are approved by the Texas Medical Board (TMB) to count toward your renewal.

Step 5: Human Trafficking Course

Complete an HHSC (Health and Human Services Commission)-approved Human Trafficking course as part of your renewal requirements. This rule is a single-time obligation designed to train healthcare workers on spotting and dealing with human trafficking.

Step 6: Personal Information Verification

Provide the TMB with your medical license number and Social Security number. This is essential for identity verification purposes.

Step 7: Review and Update Information

Make sure to go over, refresh, and verify your personal and work details like your home and work addresses, phone numbers, email, and where you practice. It’s very important to keep these details up to date so you won’t miss any critical updates from the TMB.

Step 8: Complete Registration

After ensuring all information is accurate and up-to-date, complete your medical license registration process.

Step 9: Pay Registration Fees

Finalize your renewal by paying the necessary registration fees. These fees support the operations of the TMB, including licensing and regulatory functions.

Texas Board of Medicine License Verification

Texas Board of Medicine License Verification

Making sure a doctor’s license is valid with the Texas Medical Board is important for everyone to know they are qualified in Texas. Here’s a step-by-step guide to performing Texas Board of medicine license verification:

Step 1: Access the Texas Medical Board Website

Start by going to the website of the Texas Medical Board (TMB). The TMB oversees the medical field in Texas, including giving out medical licenses and checking them.

Step 2: Navigate to the License Verification Section

Once on the TMB website, look for a section or link titled “License Verification,” “Look up a License,” or something similar. This link is often found under sections labeled “For the Public” or “Online Services.”

Step 3: Choose the Type of License to Verify

The TMB provides verification for different types of licenses (e.g., Physician, Physician Assistant, Acupuncturist, etc.). Select the appropriate category that applies to the license you wish to verify.

Step 4: Search for the Licensee

Usually, you can look up a professional’s details by using different pieces of information like their name, license number, or other specific details. Just put the needed information into the provided search areas.

Step 5: Review the Search Results

After entering the search criteria, review the list of licensees that match your query. Click on the name of the individual whose license you wish to verify to access detailed information.

Step 6: Verify License Details

On the doctor’s page, you can see if their license is active, expired, or suspended, and their license number. You also find when it was given and when it’ll end, their education, special training, and any rules or punishments.

Step 7: Document or Save the Verification

If you need documentation of the license verification, look for options to print or save the license details. Some websites offer a “Print” button or the ability to download the information as a PDF.

Step 8: Contact the Texas Medical Board for Assistance

If you encounter difficulties finding the information you need or have specific questions about a licensee’s status, consider contacting the TMB directly. The website will offer ways to get in touch, like a phone number or email, for any questions you might have.

How Often Do Medicine Licenses Need to be Renewed in Texas?

In Texas, doctors need to renew their medical licenses every two years. They can sign up online 60 to 90 days before their license runs out. They get a reminder card in the mail at least 30 days before it’s time to renew.

To renew their license, doctors must finish 48 hours of extra learning every two years, which includes two hours on ethics.

How Does Heartbeat AI Simplify the Process of Getting & Renewing a Medicine License in Texas?

How Does Heartbeat AI Simplify the Process of Getting & Renewing a Medicine License in Texas

Heartbeat AI uses technology to make it easier for healthcare workers to get and renew their medical licenses in Texas. Here are the ways it helps:

Easy Access to a Big Database

Heartbeat AI has a big database on over 11 million healthcare workers, with information from 200 different places. You can also expect accurate contact information, with 84% accuracy for cell phone numbers and 92% accuracy for personal emails on your first try. This makes it easy to find the right people in the medical field, which can help with getting or renewing a medical license.

Better Search Tool

The Prospector Tool from Heartbeat AI lets you search better by using filters like where someone is, what they specialize in, and how much experience they have. This is great for finding specific help or advice in the medical world in Texas.

Quick Info While You Browse

The Heartbeat AI Chrome Extension gives you quick access to important info while you’re looking at online medical registries or websites. With one click, you can get the details you need without leaving your browser, making the license process faster.

Fixing Contact Details

The Heartbeat file upload feature lets you upload a list of contacts and then helps fix any missing or wrong details. This is very useful to make sure all the information needed for a license application or renewal is correct and complete.

Flexible Pricing

Heartbeat understands that different medical practices have different needs and budgets. That’s why it offers a variety of pricing options to fit everyone. This flexibility makes it easier for practices of all sizes to access the services they need.

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In conclusion, the Texas Board of Medicine helps keep healthcare safe in Texas by making sure doctors and other medical workers are qualified. To work as a doctor in Texas, you need to get a license from this board. 

This means finishing medical school, passing exams, and completing a special training program. The board checks your background and makes sure you are ready to be a good doctor. If you complete all the necessary steps and fulfill the criteria, you can obtain your license. 

Remember, you must renew your license when it expires and keep learning to stay a good doctor. This process keeps patients safe and ensures the medical field in Texas is honest and reliable. Heartbeat assists by providing quick access to the latest and accurate information about medical professionals, making it easier to maintain your credentials.

Frequently Asked Question

Can you practice medicine in Texas without a license?

No, you’re not allowed to work as a doctor in Texas if you don’t have a license. The law in Texas stops anyone who isn’t licensed from owning a medical practice, hiring doctors, or running places where medical care is given.

How hard is it to get a Texas medical license?

Getting a medical license from the Texas Medical Board takes a lot of time, involves many steps, and needs plenty of forms to be filled out. How hard it is can change based on the person applying and how complete their paperwork is.

Do I need to have my fingerprints taken for a physician license application?

Yes, all physician applicants must submit fingerprints for a criminal history check​.

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