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Dentists in Ohio: Targeted Email List for Dental Care Solution

April 18, 2024

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Dentists in Ohio

You may need reliable dental care in Ohio. Or perhaps you’re a healthcare professional looking to connect with dentists in the state for recruitment and networking purposes.

In either case, having valid and updated contact information for dentists in Ohio is essential. But here’s the twist: finding a valid contact list can be a daunting task.

In this blog, we’ll look into the importance of having a valid email list of licensed dentists in Ohio, highlighting the challenges of finding one. We’ll also show you how Heartbeat can provide an accurate and up-to-date dental email list in Ohio. Let’s get started!

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Get the Best Email List of Dentist in Ohio State from Heartbeat 

Our platform is crafted to connect you with dentists who are not only highly skilled but also deeply committed to delivering exceptional oral care. 

We recognize the significance of assembling top-notch dental teams to improve patient outcomes. Heartbeat is your solution to discovering the finest dentists’ email list in Ohio.

Overview of Healthcare Industry in Ohio State

Ohio’s healthcare system faces challenges and opportunities. A review shows Ohio ranks 44th in health value among states, meaning its people are generally less healthy and spend more on healthcare. To improve, Ohio is focusing on strengthening its workforce, reducing poverty, and using its strong manufacturing and education resources.

There are important health gaps in Ohio. Black residents have lower rates of good health and higher rates of diabetes and mental health issues compared to White residents. Additionally, people in rural areas, like Ohio’s Appalachian counties, have more unmet health needs and worse health than those in urban areas. Initiatives, like the Ohio Statewide Health Disparities Collaborative, aim to address these issues.

Importance of Finding Dentist Accurate Contact Information

For dentists, having reliable contact information is essential for a variety of reasons, including personal needs, medical hiring, and marketing. Here are some essential aspects emphasizing the Ohio dentist email list significance:

Dentist Accurate Contact Information

Emergency Accessibility

For personal dental emergencies, having the correct contact information ensures timely access to care, which can be critical in situations like toothaches or dental injuries.

Regular Dental Care

Accurate contact details allow patients to schedule regular check-ups and cleanings, essential for maintaining oral health and preventing more serious issues.

Professional Networking

For professionals in the dental industry, having accurate contacts facilitates networking, collaboration, and the sharing of best practices and new advancements in dentistry.

Referrals and Recommendations

Updated contact details are essential for making and receiving referrals, which are a significant aspect of growing a dental practice and professional reputation.

Regulatory Compliance

For legal and regulatory purposes, having accurate contact information is often a requirement, ensuring that communications and necessary documentation are appropriately managed.

Challenges in Finding Contact Database of Dentists in Ohio

Locating a dentist in Ohio presents various challenges. Here are common challenges you may encounter:

Limited Access in Rural Areas

Rural parts of Ohio often have limited access to dental care providers. Dentists tend to be concentrated in urban and suburban areas, making it challenging for individuals in rural communities to find a nearby dentist. This can result in longer travel times and difficulties accessing essential dental services.

Insurance and Affordability

Dental care can be expensive, and not all Ohio residents have dental insurance. Even for those with coverage, not all dentists accept all insurance plans, leading to potential difficulties in finding an in-network dentist. High out-of-pocket costs can also deter individuals from seeking necessary dental care.

Long Wait Times

The Ohio dentists may have long wait times for appointments, especially for non-emergency procedures. This can be particularly frustrating when dealing with dental issues that require prompt attention. Limited availability of appointments can lead to delays in receiving care.

Provider Shortages

There may be shortages of certain types of dental providers in Ohio, such as pediatric dentists or oral surgeons. This can be especially problematic for individuals with specialized dental needs of children requiring specialized care. 

About Heartbeat Dentist Contact Lists: What You Will Get

The dentist database in Ohio offered by Heartbeat provides solutions to a variety of challenges that individuals encounter. Let’s explore how these features can help address the particular issues mentioned:

About HeartBeat Dentist Contact Lists

  • Wide Contact Information: Our database of Ohio dentists provides comprehensive contact information, including names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of a wide array of dentists across Ohio and the entire United States.
  • Specialization and Services: Heartbeat includes details on the types of dental services and specializations each dentist or clinic offers. This is particularly useful for those seeking specific dental care, like pediatric dentistry or oral surgery.
  • Insurance Network Information: We incorporate information about the insurance plans each dentist accepts in our Ohio dentists email database. This helps individuals find dentists who are part of their insurance network.
  • Search Filters: Heartbeat offers search filters to refine searches by location, specialization, accepted insurance, and more, making it easier to find a dentist in a particular state or region.

Types of Data Included in This Dentist Email List in Ohio:

  • Dentists Name
  • Location
  • Contact Numbers (Work, Cell, Mobile)
  • Email Address
  • Specialization
  • Years of Experience
  • Sole Proprietor Status
  • Licensed States
  • License Number
  • Fax
  • Address

Who Are You Likely to See in Our Dentist Email List by Category?

Our dentist email list is organized into different categories.

Dentists Categories
General Dentist
Pedodontist or Pediatric Dentist
Periodontist or Gum Specialist
Oral Pathologist or Oral Surgeon
Endodontist or Root Canal Specialist

Available Dentist in Our Email List by States

Our email list of Ohio dentists offers a comprehensive breakdown of dentist categories that are accessible across various states.

Dentists By States
Email List of Dentists in Utah
Email List of Dentists in Arkansas
Dentists in Alabama
Dentists in Alaska
Dentists in Arizona
Dentists in Arkansas
Dentists in California
Dentists in Colorado
Dentists in Connecticut
Dentists in Delaware
Dentists in Florida
Dentists in Georgia
Dentists in Hawaii
Dentists in Idaho
Dentists in Illinois
Dentists in Indiana
Dentists in Iowa
Dentists in Kansas
Dentists in Kentucky
Dentists in Louisiana
Dentists in Maine
Dentists in Maryland
Dentists in Massachusetts
Dentists in Michigan
Dentists in Minnesota
Dentists in Mississippi
Dentists in Missouri
Dentists in Montana
Dentists in Nebraska
Dentists in Nevada
Dentists in New Hampshire
Dentists in New Jersey
Dentists in New Mexico
Dentists in New York
Dentists in North Carolina
Dentists in North Dakota
Dentists in Ohio
Dentists in Oklahoma
Dentists in Oregon
Dentists in Pennsylvania
Dentists in Rhode Island
Dentists in South Carolina
Dentists in South Dakota
Dentists in Tennessee
Dentists in Texas
Dentists in Utah
Dentists in Vermont
Dentists in Virginia
Dentists in Washington
Dentists in West Virginia
Dentists in Wisconsin
Dentists in Wyoming

How Do We Compile Our Data to Create an Email List of Dentists in Ohio?

Heartbeat AI utilizes diverse methods to collect data and establish a dentist email list in Ohio:

Create an Email List of Dentists in Ohio

Source Data from Multiple Channels

We collect data from various reliable sources such as online directories, professional associations (e.g., American Dental Association), and state dental boards. Utilize public records, business directories, and online databases to identify and verify dentists practicing in Ohio.

Data Collection and Validation

We gather essential information for each dentist, including their name, clinic name, address, phone number, and email address. To ensure the accuracy of the data, we cross-refer information from different sources. Then we verify that the dentists are currently practicing in Ohio and that the contact details are correct.

Data Management Tools

We consider using data management tools and software to organize and store the collected information efficiently. Create a spreadsheet or database where you can enter and update the dentist’s contact details regularly.

Regular Updates and Maintenance

We contact dentists periodically to validate and update their information, as it can change over time. Stay compliant with data privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the CAN-SPAM Act, when using the contact list for outreach or marketing purposes.

Why Choose’s Dentist Email Database in Ohio State?’s dentists in Ohio email list presents a host of compelling benefits:

Why Choose's Dentist Email Database in Ohio State

Extensive Database grants access to an expansive database of healthcare providers, including Ohio’s dentists, encompassing over 11 million professionals. This database provides direct contact details like cell phone numbers and personal email addresses, simplifying communication.

Specialized Tools offers specialized features such as the Heartbeat Prospector and a Chrome Extension. These empower users to pinpoint healthcare providers based on their specific specialties and access contact information from LinkedIn and Facebook profiles, streamlining the recruitment process.

Multiple Data Sources

The data within’s database is sourced from a diverse array of over 200 official, private, and public sources. This comprehensive data gathering approach ensures extensive coverage and maintains the information’s currency.

User-Friendly Functionality incorporates user-friendly features, including the capability to create bulk lists, manage teams, and automate integration. These features cater to the requirements of both individual users and enterprises, making it an adaptable tool suitable for a wide spectrum of recruitment scenarios.

Who Can Use the Email Directory List of Dentists in Ohio?

Here are categories and individuals who can benefit from utilizing a dentist email list:

Who Can Use the Email Directory List of Dentists in Ohio

Dental Clinics

Dental clinics can foster professional relationships by connecting with other dentists on the list, potentially leading to patient referrals and a collaborative approach to patient care. They can also stay informed about the latest industry trends and events.

Dental Associations

Dental associations can utilize the list as a means of direct communication with their members, disseminating important updates, event announcements. This facilitates networking opportunities among dental professionals.

Job Seekers

Individuals seeking employment in dental practices can use the contact list to inquire about job openings, submit their resumes, and explore career opportunities in the dental field.

Dental Education Providers

Institutions offering dental education and training programs can use the list to recruit prospective students and offer continuing education courses to practicing dentists, furthering their professional development.

How to Utilize Dentists Mailing List Effectively

Using a dentist email list in Ohio can serve as a valuable resource for a range of objectives. To optimize the utility of such a list, consider the following points:

Utilize Dentists Mailing List Effectively

Update Contact Information

Ensure that the contact information in your list is accurate and up to date. Dentists frequently change practices, addresses, or phone numbers, so regular updates are crucial.


If you have phone numbers, telemarketing can be an effective way to reach out. However, be respectful of their time and ensure your pitch is concise and relevant.

Surveys and Feedback

Use your contact list to conduct surveys and gather feedback from dentists. This can help you understand their needs and preferences, leading to product or service improvements.

Provide Educational Resources

Share informative articles, case studies, or whitepapers with your contact list. Position yourself as a trusted source of information in the dental industry.

Ohio Board of Dentistry

The Ohio Board of Dentistry is dedicated to ensure dental safety. The organization also certifies the licensed dentists that care for patients and their families by protecting the public from unsafe practices and unprofessional conduct among Ohio dentists.

Find out more about the Ohio Board of Dentistry here.


To wrap it up, this guide has given us important information about dentists in Ohio. We talked about their qualifications, what services they provide, and why dental care matters. 

Most importantly, we discussed how Heartbeat AI can help Ohio dentists connect with each other. is like a helpful tool that allows dentists to meet, share what they know, and make their dental practices better together.

When dentists connect and share their expertise, it’s not just good for them; it also means that people in Ohio get better dental care. So, has lots of potential to help dentists all over the state. Do give a try to Heartbeat!

Claim $500 of Free Data  

Frequently Asked Question

Can I request a customized Ohio dentist email database with specific criteria?

Depending on the source, you may be able to request a customized dentist contact list with specific criteria such as location, specialty, or other preferences. Contact the relevant authority for information on customization options.

Is there a fee for accessing dentists in Ohio with email addresses?

Fees may apply when obtaining a dentist contact list, depending on the source. Government agencies like the Ohio State Dental Board may charge a nominal fee, while some dental associations may offer it for free to their members.

Are all Ohio dentists included in the contact list?

Ohio dentist database aim to include all licensed practitioners, but some dentists may choose not to be listed for privacy reasons or other considerations.

How to Purchase the List of OH Dentists? provides valuable and accurate Healthcare & Medical Data Lists, Emails & Cell Phone Numbers of Dentists. Lookup over 10 Million Dental Providers’ contact info in a few clicks and get their personal email address and cell / mobile phone number instantly.

See pricing here and sign up for Free Trial today.

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