Washington has over 13,000 licensed nurses. With WA having a state population of 706,000, that means there are 18.41 nurses for every 1,000 residents in Washington.
Finding an accurate list of nurse’s email addresses in Washington on your own can be quite challenging.
What’s on this page:
Washington Nurses Email List
Intro to the Washington Nurses Email List Database
Want instant access to the list of Washington Nurses contact information for all 13,000 nurses in the state of WA from Heartbeat.ai?
Heartbeat.ai has the most comprehensive and accurate Washington nurse contact database of email addresses, cell phone numbers, and mailing addresses, to help you with your prospecting or recruiting and hiring campaigns for targeting Washington nurses.
These 13,000 licensed nurses work at different hospitals, clinics, doctor’s offices, and medical care facilities around Washington.
Washington List of Registered Nurses
Here is the list of database and contact information that you will get when searching the Washington nurses mailing list on Heartbeat.ai:
– Name
– Washington Location
– WA Work Telephone
– WA Cell Phone Number
– Email Addresses
– Nursing Specialization
– Years of Experience
– Sole Proprietor Status
– License Number in Washington
– Other Licensed States (besides WA)
– Fax
– CA Address
Where to Get an Email List of Nurses in Washington?
Heartbeat.ai has one of the largest verified database lists of Registered Nurses (RNs) from the State of Washington. The database list is updated in real-time to provide you with the latest and most accurate list of nursing professionals in WA.
Popular Types of Specialty Nurses in Washington
In Washington’s most populated cities like Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Vancouver, Bellevue, or Olympia, there are certain types of nursing professionals in high demand:
– Registered Nurses (RNs)
– Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs)
– Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs)
– Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs)
– Nurse Practitioners (NPs)
– Nurse Case Managers
– Travel Nurses in Washington
With Heartbeat.ai, you can explore these most popular nursing professions and multiple specialty medical nurses, specifically for Washington and each city within the state.
Washington Board of Nursing
The Washington Board of Nursing is dedicated to ensure public safety. The organization also certifies the licensed nurses that care for patients and their families by protecting the public from unsafe practices and unprofessional conduct among Washington nurses. Nursing is a rewarding career that can be challenging when living in Washington.
Find out more about the Washington Board of Nursing here.
Conclusion and Summary for WA
The Washington registered nurse email lists and other contact information can easily be found by searching the major cities throughout the state of WA, such as: Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Vancouver, Bellevue, Olympia and more.
Get instant access to over 5.8 million nurses in the USA, and the specialty list of licensed Washington Nurses contact information for all 13,000 nurses in the state of WA from Heartbeat.ai.
How to Purchase the List of WA Nurses?
Besides the Washington nurse specialty lists, Heartbeat.ai provides valuable and accurate Healthcare and Medical Data Lists, Emails and Cell Phone Numbers of Nurses, Physicians, Doctors, and other Locum Tenens Professionals. Lookup over 10 Million Healthcare Providers contact info in a few clicks and get their personal email address and cell / mobile phone number instantly.
See pricing here and sign up for Heartbeat.ai Free Trial today to get access to the email and contact list of Washington Nurses.
Cover Image Credit: 123RF.com / MichaelJung, Skvoor.