Gladys Zayas's Contact Information
Gladys Zayas's Telephone Numbers
Gladys Zayas's direct and cell phone numbers are current since Jan 2025. Gladys's telephone numbers were verified in real-time using our proprietary access to direct dial and cell phone databases.
- +1 877-***-****
Gladys Zayas's Email Addresses
Gladys Zayas's personal and business email addresses have been verified in real-time as of Jan 2025. Email verification checker ZeroBounce was used as a verifier for Gladys's email. We are 95% certain these are the valid email addresses for Gladys Zayas.
- z****.g*****@g****.c**
- z****.g*****@*****.c**
Gladys Zayas's Specialty
Definition: (1) A clinical laboratory is a facility for the biological, microbiological, serological, chemical, immunohematological, hematological, biophysical, cytological, pathological, or other examination of materials derived from the human body for the purpose of providing information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any disease or impairment of, human beings. These examinations also include procedures to determine, measure, or otherwise describe the presence or absence of various substances or organisms in the body. Facilities only collecting or preparing specimens (or both) or only serving as a mailing service and not performing testing are not considered clinical laboratories. (2) Any facility that examines materials from the human body for purposes of providing information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any disease or impairment of, or the assessment of, the health of human beings. Typical divisions of a clinical laboratory include hematology, cytology, bacteriology, histology, biochemistry, medical toxicology, and serology.
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Contact Information Summary
- 1. Gladys Zayas’s Contact Information
- 2. Gladys Zayas’s Email Address
- 3. Gladys Zayas’s Telephone Number
- 4. Gladys Zayas’s Mailing Address
- 5. Gladys Zayas’s Social Media Accounts
- 6. Gladys Zayas on Linkedin
- 7. Gladys Zayas on Facebook
- 8. Gladys Zayas on Instagram
- 9. Gladys Zayas on Twitter
- 10. Best Way to Contact Gladys Zayas?
Gladys Zayas's Social Media Accounts
When searching for Gladys Zayas in , we checked on Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for the best.
Gladys Zayas on Facebook
A Facebook search for Gladys’s Facebook profile found these results.
Gladys Zayas’s FacebookGladys Zayas on Instagram
A Instagram search for Gladys’s Instagram profile found these results.
Gladys Zayas’s InstagramGladys Zayas on Linkedin
A Linkedin search for Gladys’s Linkedin profile found these results.
Gladys Zayas’s LinkedinGladys Zayas on Twitter
A Twitter search for Gladys’s Twitter profile found these results.
Gladys Zayas’s Twitter