
Michele Cusack's Contact Information

emails Michele Cusack's Telephone Numbers

Michele Cusack's direct and cell phone numbers are current since Apr 2024. Michele's telephone numbers were verified in real-time using our proprietary access to direct dial and cell phone databases.

  • phone number +1 143-***-****

emails Michele Cusack's Email Addresses

Michele Cusack's personal and business email addresses have been verified in real-time as of Apr 2024. Email verification checker ZeroBounce was used as a verifier for Michele's email. We are 95% certain these are the valid email addresses for Michele Cusack.

  • personal email c*****.m******@g****.c**
  • business email c*****.m******@*****.c**

social profiles Michele Cusack's Social Media Accounts

When searching for Michele Cusack in , we checked on Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for the best.

FacebookMichele Cusack on Facebook

A Facebook search for Michele’s Facebook profile found these results.

Michele Cusack’s Facebook

InstagramMichele Cusack on Instagram

A Instagram search for Michele’s Instagram profile found these results.

Michele Cusack’s Instagram

LinkedInMichele Cusack on Linkedin

A Linkedin search for Michele’s Linkedin profile found these results.

Michele Cusack’s Linkedin

TwitterMichele Cusack on Twitter

A Twitter search for Michele’s Twitter profile found these results.

Michele Cusack’s Twitter

title Michele Cusack's Specialty

Grouping: Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians

Classification: Pathology

Specialization: Anatomic Pathology & Clinical Pathology

Definition: A pathologist deals with the causes and nature of disease and contributes to diagnosis, prognosis and treatment through knowledge gained by the laboratory application of the biologic, chemical and physical sciences. A pathologist uses information gathered from the microscopic examination of tissue specimens, cells and body fluids, and from clinical laboratory tests on body fluids and secretions for the diagnosis, exclusion and monitoring of disease.

Grouping: Hospital Units

Classification: Psychiatric Unit

Definition: In general, a distinct unit of a hospital that provides acute or long-term care to emotionally disturbed patients, including patients admitted for diagnosis and those admitted for treatment of psychiatric problems on the basis of physicians' orders and approved nursing care plans. Long-term care may include intensive supervision to the chronically mentally ill, mentally disordered or other mentally incompetent persons; (2) For Medicare, a distinct part of a general acute care hospital admitting only patients whose admission to the unit is required for active treatment, whose treatment is of an intensity that can be provided only in an inpatient hospital setting, and whose condition is described by a psychiatric principal diagnosis contained in the Third Edition of the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual or in Chapter 5 (Mental Disorders) of the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM). The unit must furnish, through the use of qualified personnel, psychological services, social work services, psychiatric nursing, occupational therapy, and recreational therapy. The unit must maintain medical records that permit determination of the degree and intensity of treatment provided to individuals who are furnished services in the unit; the unit must meet special staff requirements in that the unit must have adequate numbers of qualified professional and supportive staff to evaluate inpatients, formulate written, individualized, comprehensive treatment plans, provide active treatment measures and engage in discharge planning.

Grouping: Hospital Units

Classification: Rehabilitation Unit

Definition: In general, a distinct unit of a general acute care hospital that provides care encompassing a comprehensive array of restoration services for the disabled and all support services necessary to help patients attain their maximum functional capacity. Source: AHA Annual Survey p. A10 1996 AHA Guide. For Medicare, a distinct part of a general acute care hospital providing inpatient rehabilitation services that meets the following requirements. Rehabilitation Units have in effect a preadmission screening procedure under which each prospective patient's condition and medical history are reviewed to determine whether the patient is likely to benefit significantly from an intensive inpatient program or assessment; ensure that the patients receive close medical supervision and furnish, through the use of qualified personnel, rehabilitation nursing, physical therapy and occupational therapy, plus, as needed, speech therapy, social services or psychological services and orthotic and prosthetic services; have a plan of treatment for each inpatient that is established, reviewed, and revised as needed by a physician in consultation with other professional personnel who provide services to the patient; use a coordinated multidisciplinary team approach in the rehabilitation of each inpatient, as documented by periodic clinical entries made in the patient's medical record to note the patient's status in relationship to goal attainment, and that team conferences are held at least every two weeks to determine the appropriateness of treatment; have a director of rehabilitation who provides services to the unit and its inpatients for at least 20 hours a week, is a doctor of medicine or osteopathy, is licensed under State law to practice medicine or surgery, and has had, after completing a one-year hospital internship at least two years of training or experience in the medical management of inpatients requiring rehabilitation services.

Grouping: Hospitals

Classification: General Acute Care Hospital

Definition: An acute general hospital is an institution whose primary function is to provide inpatient diagnostic and therapeutic services for a variety of medical conditions, both surgical and non-surgical, to a wide population group. The hospital treats patients in an acute phase of illness or injury, characterized by a single episode or a fairly short duration, from which the patient returns to his or her normal or previous level of activity.

Best Way to Contact Michele Cusack?

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Contact Information Summary

  • 1. Michele Cusack’s Contact Information
  • 2. Michele Cusack’s Email Address
  • 3. Michele Cusack’s Telephone Number
  • 4. Michele Cusack’s Mailing Address
  • 5. Michele Cusack’s Social Media Accounts
    • 6. Michele Cusack on Linkedin
    • 7. Michele Cusack on Facebook
    • 8. Michele Cusack on Instagram
    • 9. Michele Cusack on Twitter
  • 10. Best Way to Contact Michele Cusack?
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