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Get cell phone numbers & personal
emails of healthcare providers

Access 11+ million healthcare providers in seconds
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Source healthcare professionals with one searchable database of every healthcare professional in the US

Heartbeat.ai is the ultimate healthcare recruitment partner.
Over 11 million+ profiles - 230% more than LinkedIn Only 30% of healthcare professionals are on LinkedIn, we have the missing 70% and accurate direct contact data.
Personal email and cell phone numbers Contact healthcare professionals directly with their personal email and cell phone number. Heartbeat.ai has the most accurate contact data available.
Specialist healthcare search filters Search by specialization, license, credential, licensed state and more with our healthcare specialized sourcing database.
Integrates with your ATS and workflow Search by specialization, license, credential, licensed state and more with our healthcare specialized sourcing database.
Eliminate sourcing time + build a healthcare talent database Only 30% of healthcare professionals are on LinkedIn, we have the missing 70% and accurate direct contact data. Try for free

The only sourcing platform dedicated to passive healthcare recruitment

Fuel your sourcing pipeline and find healthcare talent in bulk.
Main Specialty Main Specialty

Search and filter 11m+ healthcare providers

Fuel your pipeline and find talent in bulk.
Reduce research time and cost by 90%+
Filter by speciality on medical license
Direct access via personal cell + email info
Search, filter and source at scale
Reach 230% more candidates than using LinkedIn alone
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Unlock direct contact information anywhere online

Heartbeat.ai is paired with Swordfish.ai’s extension for Google Chrome. Find accurate contact data from online platforms.
Unlock contact details instantly
Search on LinkedIn, Facebook and X/Twitter
Bulk search and unlock from lists and groups
Rated 4.7 on Google Chrome Store
Sync with your CRM or ATS
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Main Specialty Main Specialty
Main Specialty Main Specialty

Enrich your healthcare talent database

Fill in the blanks of your existing HCP list
Upload your CSV HCP list
Choose if you want to add cell phone and personal emails
Click enrich
Instantly upload that list to your ATS or sequencing system
Fill in the blanks in your CRM, ATS or database
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AI sourcing tool dedicated to healthcare recruitment

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Village MD use Heartbeat.ai to gain competitive advantage

Senior Growth Strategist
Gabe Miller Senior Growth Strategist Village MD

Accuracy & coverage of personal contact info were unrivaled by other platforms... this gives any healthcare recruiter a competitive advantage when engaging hard-to-reach healthcare providers

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Contact Database Comparison

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Frequently Asked Questions

Without bragging, yes, it is. Heartbeat is powered by Swordfish.ai - a leading personal contact information provider and aggregator.
After the successful reception of Swordfish in the Recruitment space, the Swordfish team realised a gap in the market existed for healthcare provider contact data. 40% of US healthcare providers are on LinkedIn. Swordfish.ai happened to be sitting on 100% of the data and Heartbeat was born!
Heartbeat provides accurate personal cell phone and personal email data, less business emails that change so frequently. Most list providers will use recycled or permutated (“guessed”) business emails which are about 50% accurate. They also do not provide cell phone numbers of providers, like Heartbeat does.
Yes - if you opt to use your credits with Swordfish as well. You can use both Heartbeat Prospector as well as the Swordfish Chrome Extension using the same pool of credits.
Absolutely not! Once a credit unlocks someone, that contact is available for everyone on the account.
Yes. You can allow/disallow specific team members from seeing other team member data. As a team manager, you can view all data for all members. This setting is located in the team management page.
Yes - you can manage all members from one account with multiple admins, or have each team manage their own individual account. Their data will still be synced to your contract account so you have access to all data and won’t get charged twice on using a credit on the same contact.

Eliminate Your Sourcing Time + Increase Your Talent Pool Now

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